What's going on...

Thankfully, Royal Wedding fever has abated somewhat over here.  There really was no avoiding it (unless you were Agent DVD, who chose to go down to HMS's house in Aquae Sulis; as he has no TV).  It was all fairly predictable other than the weather which was unusually good for a big royal pageant.  The Queen has a reputation for bringing bad weather whenever there are these big events.  But no, we are well into our fourth week of wonderful Spring weather.  It is now officially the hottest April in Britain since records began (350 years ago!).  More sunny weather ahead for the weekend too!

We enjoyed four things, in particular, about the wedding: the fly past by the Battle of Britain flight (the sound of six Merlin engines growling as they banked over the Palace was wonderful- don't know what the German tourirst must have felt, though), the best wishes from the International Space Station, seeing a good friend and former colleague sat right next to Elton John in the Abbey and Pippa Middleton's posterior as she undulated up the aisle. 

Expect Pippa to appear in FHM's sexiest woman list next year.  Incidentally, this year's list is due out in just 15 hours.  Who will replace Cheryl Cole as the nation's sweetheart or will she hold on to number one again to make it a hat trick?  We do know that Kate Middleton has become the first royal to make the (less prestigious) Maxim list.

It looks like Triple P will be off abroad next month again: this time to South America so we better start checking out flight costs.
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